Wednesday, March 4, 2009

silly little girlss..

try to stay awayyy from drama, trust me it will make your life so much easier.

Is it possible for people to thrive off of drama? I think it is, cuz some ppl just liveee for it, like seriously. Im so sickk of the sh*ttt. If youre life sucks that much that you need to bring somebodi down the black hole with you... FIND SOMEBODY ELSE, CUZ IM NOT GOING!!!!

thank you. = ]

1 comment:

iN THE MiND 0F A.RaY said...

Aww Doodie!!!
I know what you mean...
People just get bored with their own simple lives and feel the need to interfere with others...
All we gotta do is brush it off and keep it pushin'...
Love Ya Dude lol...